Trunk Nouveau features suitcases packed with Independent and Local jewelry, funny cards, charm necklaces, gemstones, wooden toys and unique gifts. Donating 6% of each and every purchase, Trunk’s motto is “Presents with a Purpose: Together, and by Shopping Small ~ We can do BIG things.”
Trunk Nouveau opened one quiet afternoon in mid-June 2017
"U Got the Look" by Prince
"Nouveau" refers to the 'new' concept of including a month-long trunkshow by a local artist in the center of the shop—it's the heart of the store.
The annual Holiday Giving Tree: As one of the drop off locations, we are lucky enough to bear witness to this community's amazing, absolutely AWESOME generosity.
Therapy Dough, a relaxing pinch and pull putty, modeled after clay used by art therapists. This calming dough is infused with essential oils for stress relief.