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Trunk Nouveau - Logo

Trunk Nouveau

Trunk Nouveau features suitcases packed with Independent and Local jewelry, funny cards, charm necklaces, gemstones, wooden toys and unique gifts. Donating 6% of each and every purchase, Trunk’s motto is “Presents with a Purpose: Together, and by Shopping Small ~ We can do BIG things.”

Trunk Nouveau opened one quiet afternoon in mid-June 2017

"U Got the Look" by Prince

"Nouveau" refers to the 'new' concept of including a month-long trunkshow by a local artist in the center of the shop—it's the heart of the store.

The annual Holiday Giving Tree: As one of the drop off locations, we are lucky enough to bear witness to this community's amazing, absolutely AWESOME generosity.

Therapy Dough, a relaxing pinch and pull putty, modeled after clay used by art therapists. This calming dough is infused with essential oils for stress relief.


Monday to Saturday 10AM to 6PM

Sunday 10AM to 5PM